Dan wake is a delicious meal that is indigenous to the people of Hausa, Nigeria. It can be made in less than 20 minutes if you can find the already mixed flour.
First of all, you will need the dan wake flour. Either that, or you will be using a combination of ground beans Flour or grounded beans powder (2 cups) bao bao ( kuka) (3 teaspoons) and potash (1 teaspoon).
The rest are grounded dry pepper, groundnut oil, tomatoes, egg, cucumber, carrots and cabbages (the vegetables are optional).
Remember not to use the solid potash, mix it in a half cup of water. It is just best if you have the ‘already-made’ dan wake flour instead of having to mix it yourself. Whatever the case, you are good.
That is a delicious plate of dan wake, the exact way most Hausas serve it.
It is usually served with ground cayenne pepper, which is also called (yaji), you can also use Suya Pepper alternatively and choice vegetables.
Stock cubes are not really necessary as the pepper already contains natural sweetener but some people choose to sprinkle a little. As “Sweetness” is defined differently by different people.

This is another delicious plate.

Other people serve with sauces of different kinds. The meal on its own is almost tasteless, just like prepared eba (garri). You have to serve with some of the following in other to truly enjoy it.
Ground cayenne pepper (yaji)
Suya (suya pepper or spice)
Sliced Vegetables (onions, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber)
Vegetable/beef sauce.
Stock Cubes
Hard boiled eggs
Here is the recipe for the “Dan wake”. First of all you get the Dan wake flour which is readily available now. You get the flour and mix it with a little water to make a thick paste. When you are done with making the paste, boil water in a pot and proceed to the next level.
When the water starts to boil, keep forming the paste into small balls and throwing them into the boiling water. Allow them to boil for about 10mins(the balls will raise to the top when they are done).
You then strain all the water and rinse with cold water once. Strain and turn it into a plate. Sprinkle some already fried veg/oil and some yaji(dried pounded chilli pepper mixed with some spices).you can eat your Dan wake with some veg salad, boiled egg or some cucumbers mixed with fresh tomatoes.